Friday, March 18, 2016

Foodie Recipe: DIY Vegan Protein Powder

When I started eating more healthy food, I realized that I had an allergy to dairy. I had been making protein shakes up to twice a day and wanted to continue to do so. I purchased a couple of vegan protein powders that were horrible and a wonderful protein shake that was almost $40 for less than a two week supply. Since I already owned a dehydrator I decided to make my own powder. 

I saw on the tasty vegan protein label that two of the ingredients were soy and pea powders and that's where my formulation began. I went to my local market and purchased edamame, soy beans, as well as sweet peas and chick peas. I also purchased some whole flax seeds and oatmeal. I threw the soy beans, sweet peas, and chick peas into the dehydrator. Then I used my blended to make a powder along with the flaxseed and oatmeal. I made so much I ended up throwing half of it away. My first attempt was a bit gritty versus smooth, but it was sure better than paying almost $40 not to mention the added sweetener and other undesirable ingredients. 

A couple of weeks ago I tried again, this time with much more success. I made the soybeans, chick peas, and sweet peas into a paste first, then dehydrated it, which made for a finer powder. I also purchased flaxseed powder instead of whole flaxseeds to get a smoother powder. I threw in chia seeds to add more energy and thickness to the shake as well. The best part is I actually HATE peas and I'm not a big fan of edamame, yet I can down this, without the flavor/taste of those things. The powder goes well with almost any flavor you add to it, as it is almost tasteless to my taste buds. Best of all there is no added sugar and no preservatives. Because there aren't any preservatives you MUST make sure your mixture stays in a dry place away from humidity. Here is the recipe!

Food processor and/or blender
Dehydrator with insert trays (so the food doesn't fall through)
Sealed container (for the finished powder)
Large mixing bowl
Large sifter

Edamame - 16 oz - peeled and rinsed
Chick Peas - 8-15 oz - drained
Peas - 8-15 oz - drained
Oatmeal - 1-2 cups - powdered
Flaxseed Powder - 1-2 cups
Chia Seeds - 1 cup -powdered (optional)

1. Peel and rinse your edamame. Drain the sweet peas and chick peas. Put all three into a food processor. Mix until it becomes a smooth paste (similar to hummus). Don't worry if there are a couple of chunks here and there. Just try to get it as smooth as possible.

2. Use a spatula to smear the paste onto the dehydrator insert trays. Make sure the mixture is not more than a quarter inch thick (or else it will take forever to dry).  You will likely need 3 or more trays, depending on your measurements. Set the dehydrator to veggies setting (about 135F).

3. After the mixture has been drying four or more hours, use a fork to break up the pieces and flip them over to other side. Use your fingers if necessary.

4. The length of dehydration depends on a number of factors including the weather/environment etc. When the mixture has COMPLETELY dried (please note if you are not sure, wait until it has cooled back down to room temperature. It should be brittle and break apart easily), put the mixture into the food processor or blender. Make sure that the blender/processor is COMPLETELY dry. It is extremely important to keep moisture away to avoid mold and spoilage. Pour the mixture into a bowl.

5. Repeat step 4 with the oatmeal, then the chia powder.

6. Pour all of the powders along with the flaxseed powder into the same bowl. Mix well using a fork.

7. Use the sifter to make sure you don't have any unwanted chunks. Throw any chunks back into the blender and grind into powder.

8. Store in an airtight container. I usually store mine in a sealed ziplock inside of an airtight container. I had mine for over six months without any issue.

9. To use, simple use 1/4 cup (up to 1/3 cup) powder into the water/liquid of the smoothie you are making. I do not recommend putting the powder in the bottom of the blender before adding the liquid. I usually add a little over a cup of liquid with one frozen banana, peanut butter, and sometimes other fruit. I suggest using a teaspoon or less of cream of coconut if you want to add more sweetness.

If you try this recipe, be sure to tag us on Facebook. Instagram, and/or Twitter with the posted pics. :) What I love about this recipe is that you can control your calories, sugar, carbs, etc. Have fun with it. Next time I am going to add spinach and maybe even try kale. 

Marquita Bell is soaper-in-chief and the owner of The Body Buffet where foodie meets beauty. Based out of Philadelphia, The Body Buffet aims to cultivate beauty inside and out from foodie adventures, self-care tips, and via handmade artisan soap, shampoo bars, facial bars, laundry soap and more. They use local ingredients when possible and have aimed to make conditioning skin-loving, hair-loving, clothes-loving soap since 2009. 

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